Information regarding old electronics and electric devices
The following information is relevant for the private household, which is using electronics and electric devices. Please follow these guidelines to ensure the environmentally friendly disposal and your own safety when discarding old electronics.
1. Information for disposal of old electronics and electronic devices as well as the explanation for the symbol in regards to the electronics law (ElektroG)
Owners of old electronic devices have to dispose these items at the community refuse center. It is not permitted to dispose of these items without the proper procedure and don't belong in the general household waste. Old electronic devices are required to be returned to the local collection- and refuse center for recycling.
Owners of old electronics are required to remove old batteries and rechargeable battery packs, which are not fully enclosed in the device. This removal has to be done before the disposal at the waste collection center.
The last part is not required, if the old electronics are to be recycled and reused, according to the electronic law (§ 14 Absatz 5 Satz 2 and 3 ElektroG).
If the following symbol is present in the device manual or on the device itself, these items need to be discarded separately at the communal wast center. The symbol is a crossed out waste bin.

2. Information for the return of old devices
Owners of old devices can return the electronics at the communal waste center, where the public can dispose their waste. This will ensure the proper disposal of old electronics. There might also be an option to discard the waste for recycling. More information should be available at your local communal waste center.
The following link offers the possibility to check your area for collection and waste centers in Germany:
3. Information regarding data protection
Old devices can contain personal data (like computers or smartphones), which shouldn't be disclosed to others.
We inform you, that the user is responsible to delete this information before disposing the item.
4. Information regarding our WEEE registration number
Our company is registered at Stiftung Elektro-Altgeräte Register, Benno-Strauß-Str. 1, 90763 Fürth as a manufacturer of electronics and electric devvices with the following registration number (WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE): DE72136936