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Delivered from Germany
lovingly and safely packed
2025 HANTEO Family Member No.: HF0049DBK001

Frequently asked questions



If you don’t like the ordered item, you received the wrong item or you ordered the wrong size, we can take back the item if the seal of the item hasn’t been broken. You can return the item with 14 days after receiving and in accordance of our Terms of service and the right of rescission. The shipping cost for the return has to be paid by you.

How does it work?

Fill out the form for the return and send it to us via e-mail info@daebak.de. Please make a copy of the e-mail and put it into the package

 Please make sure that you pack the goods safely

 Keep the deadline for the rescission in mind and choose the delivery option accordingly

 Deliver the package to the next DHL shop for processing

 You can find the form for the return here: https://www.daebak.de/en/right-of-rescission

Reclamation: Wrong items

If you received the wrong items, please contact us immediately via e-mail info@daebak.de and provide us with a photo of your shipment. We will then provide you with a Return label without any charges.

How does it work?

Print out the e-mail correspondence and put it into the package

Please make sure the item is packed safely

Return the package to a DHL shop for processing

Reclamation: Damaged during transport

If the package was damaged during transport, please notify us immediately and send us pictures of the damaged items via e-mail info@daebak.de .
As soon as we have checked the damages, we will contact you as soon as possible and provide you with further instructions. Usually the customer will have to take the package with all its contents and a DHL damage report to a DHL station as a damaged delivery.

Please note, that the damaged package needs to be at the DHL station within 7 days after receiving the receiving the package. DHL will then check the reclamation. This process can take up to 14 days. We ask for your understanding and we will notify about every change of the investigation.

I am missing something in my album

Due to the production related processes at the entertainment, we don't have any way to verify the contents of the album, because we can't open the original packaging.

If there is something missing in your CD/DVD packaging, i.e. photocards/poster/booklets/etc, we can't provide you with a replacement.
Because the entertainments reserve the right to modify the album contents on short notice, we are unable to compensate for modified or removed contents.

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Use our contact form to ask us your question

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